Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Beautiful Easy Flower Gardens Winners!

Congratulations. We have five winners of a copy of my book Beautiful Easy Flower Gardens for being the first five people who posted a comment on my new blog. The winners are Science, Peter Nelson, sarahsnail, DevonAnn and muddiest1. Way to go! Now, I need your email and postal address so I can send you a copy. Send this information to lsombke@beautifuleasygardens.com and I will get your books to you asap.
I will be back on the radio on Thursday, April 5th at 2 p.m.
See you there!


Unknown said...

Hi Larry,
I know you are more of a flower person - do you have any idea whether it is too early to start things like lettuce this early in april?

denise said...

hi am i a winner? love your talk show on wamc. thanks, denise

Aunt_Tish said...

Heard you on WAMC this afternoon and wanted to let you know how much I enjoy the information you impart to your listening audience. I live outside of Oneonta on hill and have more rocks than soil. I still manage to have some flowers and naturally occuring trees and shrubs. We also have many springs on our hillside so lots of wet areas that dry out by the end of summer. Any thoughts on what we can use to stabilize the soil on our hillsides. We lost lots of soil with the flooding rains last year.

Peter Nelson said...

thanks for the book!